Great Theme for Creative Agencies
If you’re looking for a nice, flexible and modern-looking theme for your portfolio or showcase you should try this one. A lot of useful options brought to you by powerful and user friendly admin panel. Over 40! color pickers will help you to customize this theme like you want. Custom page titles will help you to add some personality to your pages. Try this theme out, you won’t be disappointed!
Responsive layout
Cresado has responsive layout. It will look good not only on desktops but also on tablets and mobile phones. Theme was heavily tested on iPad4, iPhone5 and HTC phoneUnlimited colors
You can set up your own colors with over 40! colorpickers available with this theme. Couple clicks and your theme can look so much different. Yeah, it’s that easyAmazing portfolio
Cresado offers you masonry portfolio layout with couple custom thumbnail sizes that you can use. Create your own, special, amazing and eye-catching portfolioRecent projects
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Duis faucibus faucibus dui eu porttitor. Pellentesque vitae dui erat, vitae ultricies lacus. Proin eu purus sapien, vitae elementum metus. Aliquam fringilla interdum erat a mattis.
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Curabitur tristique egestas nisl id gravida. Suspendisse a porta nunc. Aliquam nulla eros, egestas id placerat a, sagittis vitae magna. Integer volutpat elit vel magna vehicula vulputate.
Big Buck Bunny on Vimeo
Aenean mattis auctor urna at adipiscing. Nulla facilisi. Vivamus id mattis purus. Aliquam accumsan turpis ut lectus sodales eu pretium ante blandit. Integer non quam id odio.